2.9. Analysis Notebook#

A copy of this notebook is run to analyse the molecular dynamics simulations.

2.9.1. Compound details#

This notebook refers to compound 33.
# show a 2d image of the molecule, and a 3d structure via py3dmol!
# also put sequence here.
According to the literature reference, there is only one distinct structure in solution.

2.9.2. Simulation details#

# Stereo check 1-frame trajectory to tmp-pdb file
t_stereo_check = topo.restrict_atoms(topo.topology.select('protein'))
tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)  
# tf.name
# Get reference mol
mol_ref = Chem.MolFromMol2File(snakemake.input.ref_mol, removeHs=False,)

# Get 1st frame pdb from tempfile
post_eq_mol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(tf.name, removeHs=False, sanitize=False,)

# could compare smiles to automate the stereo-check. Problem: mol2 reference file has wrong bond orders
# (amber does not write those correctly). The ref-pdb file cannot be read b/c geometry is not optimized.
# This leads to funky valences in rdkit. The post-eq pdb file reads fine but then charges etc. dont match
# with the reference (b/c of wrong bond orders). But can manually check that all stereocentres are correct (below)
Chem.CanonSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(post_eq_mol)) == Chem.CanonSmiles(Chem.MolToSmiles(mol_ref))
The simulation type is GaMD, 2000 ns. The simulation was performed in H2O.
There are a total of 500000 frames available to analyse.
#determine stride to get 10k frames:
stride_short = int(t.n_frames / 10000)
if stride_short == 0:
    stride_short = 1

# save short trajectory to file

# this determines a cutoff for when we consider cis/trans conformers separately.
# only relevant if 2 sets of NOE values present.
# t.n_frames / 1000 -> 0.1% of frames need to be cis/trans to consider both forms.
CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF = int(t.n_frames / 1000)

However, for some of the analysis steps below, only 1% of these frames has been used to ensure better rendering in the browser.

Loading BokehJS ...

2.9.3. Convergence of the simulation# RMSD#

To check for convergence of the simulation, we can look at the root mean squared deviation of the atomic positions over the course of the simulation.

# RMSF might be interesting as well!
rmsf_ca = md.rmsf(t,t,0, ca)
rmsf_bo = md.rmsf(t,t,0, bo)

plt.plot(rmsf_ca, label='CA')
plt.plot(rmsf_bo, label='BO')
plt.title('RMSF for different atom types')
../_images/374722583485687f_GaMD_processed_25_0.png Dihedral angles#

# Plot ramachandran plot for each amino acid
if beta_run:
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(np.ceil(len(phi.T)/5)), 5, sharex='all', sharey='all')
    i = 0
    for phi_i, psi_i in zip(np.degrees(phi.T), np.degrees(psi.T)):
        weight_data = np.loadtxt(snakemake.input.weights)
        weight_data = weight_data[::stride]
        weights_phi_psi = reweight(np.column_stack((phi_i, psi_i)), snakemake.input.weights, 'amdweight_MC', weight_data)
        axs.flatten()[i].scatter(phi_i, psi_i, s=0.5, c=weights_phi_psi, vmin=0, vmax=8, cmap='Spectral_r')
        motives.append(src.dihedrals.miao_ramachandran(phi_i, psi_i))
        i += 1
if beta_run:
    for m in motives:
if beta_run:
    combined_motives = np.column_stack((motives))
    combined_motives = [''.join(test) for test in combined_motives]
if beta_run:
    from collections import Counter
    c = Counter(combined_motives)
if beta_run:
    motive_percentage = [(i, c[i] / len(combined_motives) * 100.0) for i, count in c.most_common()]
if beta_run:
    combined_motives = np.array(combined_motives)
    idxs = []
    values = [i[0] for i in c.most_common(10)]
    for i, v in enumerate(values):
        idxs.append(np.where(combined_motives == v)[0])

2.9.4. Dimensionality Reductions#

The simulation trajectories contain the positions of all atoms. This high dimensional data (3*N_atoms) is too complicated to analyse by itself. To get a feeling of the potential energy landscape we need to apply some kind of dimensionality reduction. Here, we apply the PCA (Principal Component Analysis) method. Cartesian PCA#

Details about cartesian PCA

500000 Pairwise distances PCA#

../_images/374722583485687f_GaMD_processed_44_0.png Dihedral PCA#

if beta_run:
    # Plot structural digits on top of dPCA
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,5, sharex='all', sharey='all')
    for i in range(10):
        axs.flatten()[i] = src.pca.plot_PCA(reduced_dihedrals, 'dihedral', compound_index, d_weights, 'Energy [kcal/mol]', fig, axs.flatten()[i], cbar_plot='nocbar')
        axs.flatten()[i].scatter(reduced_dihedrals[idxs[i]][:,0], reduced_dihedrals[idxs[i]][:,1], label=values[i], s=0.2, marker=".", color='black')
        axs.flatten()[i].set_title(f"{values[i]}: {motive_percentage[i][1]:.2f}%") TSNE#

# TSNE dimensionality reduction
cluster_stride = plot_stride # 125 previously
dihe = src.dihedrals.getReducedDihedrals(t)
tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=0, perplexity=50, n_iter=2000, random_state=42)
tsne_results = tsne.fit_transform(dihe[::cluster_stride,:]) # 250
plt.scatter(tsne_results[:,0], tsne_results[:,1])
/biggin/b147/univ4859/research/snakemake_conda/9a8fac97661a24a566a4d6ee98b8d3e7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/manifold/_t_sne.py:783: FutureWarning: The default initialization in TSNE will change from 'random' to 'pca' in 1.2.
/biggin/b147/univ4859/research/snakemake_conda/9a8fac97661a24a566a4d6ee98b8d3e7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/manifold/_t_sne.py:793: FutureWarning: The default learning rate in TSNE will change from 200.0 to 'auto' in 1.2.
# Shape analysis - principal moments of inertia
inertia_tensor = md.compute_inertia_tensor(t)
principal_moments = np.linalg.eigvalsh(inertia_tensor)
array([[ 46.24272938, 119.02571792, 129.13264031],
       [ 42.74083353, 114.66553182, 129.10689525],
       [ 44.92907934, 114.99417224, 127.74162738],
       [ 49.65657075, 105.502946  , 141.1773837 ],
       [ 49.77446746, 110.34543044, 143.66144767],
       [ 48.26291161, 101.73625025, 131.7244535 ]])
# Compute normalized principal moments of inertia
npr1 = principal_moments[:,0] / principal_moments[:,2]
npr2 = principal_moments[:,1] / principal_moments[:,2]
mol_shape = np.stack((npr1, npr2), axis=1)
(500000, 2)
# Reweighting
if snakemake.params.method == "cMD":
    mol_shape_weights = reweight(mol_shape, None, 'noweight')
    weight_data = np.loadtxt(snakemake.input.weights)
    mol_shape_weights = reweight(mol_shape, snakemake.input.weights, 'amdweight_MC', weight_data)
# save
pickle_dump(snakemake.output.NPR_shape_data, mol_shape)
pickle_dump(snakemake.output.NPR_shape_weights, mol_shape_weights)
import matplotlib.tri as tri
x = mol_shape[:,0]
y = mol_shape[:,1]
v= mol_shape_weights
# create a triangulation out of these points
T = tri.Triangulation(x,y)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# plot the contour
scat = ax.scatter(mol_shape[:,0], mol_shape[:,1], s=0.5, c=mol_shape_weights, cmap='Spectral_r', vmin=0, vmax=8)

# create the grid
corners = np.array([[1, 1], [0.5, 0.5], [0,1]])
triangle = tri.Triangulation(corners[:, 0], corners[:, 1])

# creating the outline
refiner = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triangle)
outline = refiner.refine_triangulation(subdiv=0)

# creating the outline
refiner = tri.UniformTriRefiner(triangle)
trimesh = refiner.refine_triangulation(subdiv=2)

colorbar = fig.colorbar(scat, ax=ax, label="kcal/mol")

#plotting the mesh
ax.triplot(trimesh,'--', color='grey')
ax.text(0 ,1.01, 'rod')
ax.text(0.85 ,1.01, 'sphere')
ax.text(0.5 ,0.48, 'disk')

fig.savefig(snakemake.output.NPR_shape_plot, dpi=300)
if beta_run:
    # SASA
    sasa = md.shrake_rupley(t)
    total_sasa = sasa.sum(axis=1)
if beta_run:
    plt.plot(t.time, total_sasa)
if beta_run:
if beta_run:
    # SASA Reweighting
    if snakemake.params.method == "cMD":
        pmf, distances = src.reweight_1d_pmf(total_sasa, None, 'noweight')
        pmf, distances = src.reweight_1d_pmf(total_sasa, snakemake.input.weights, 'amdweight_MC')
if beta_run:
    plt.plot(distances[:-1], pmf, label='SASA')
    plt.xlabel(r'SASA ($\AA$)')
    plt.ylabel('PMF (kcal/mol)')
    plt.title(f"Compound {compound_index}")
if beta_run:
    weights = np.exp(-1 * pmf / 0.5961)
    weights_norm = weights / np.sum(weights)
    sasa_average = weights_norm * pmf
if beta_run:
    def autocorr(x):
        "Compute an autocorrelation with numpy"
        x = x - np.mean(x)
        result = np.correlate(x, x, mode='full')
        result = result[result.size//2:]
        return result / result[0]

    plt.semilogx(t.time, autocorr(total_sasa))
    plt.xlabel('Time [ps]', size=16)
    plt.ylabel('SASA autocorrelation', size=16)
#if beta_run:
# Cremer pople analysis
from rdkit import Chem
# load rdkit ref
# Read in pdb file from amber
#mol_ref = Chem.MolFromPDBFile(pdb_amber, removeHs=False, proximityBonding=True) #removeHs=True, proximityBonding=True)
mol_ref = Chem.MolFromMol2File(snakemake.input.ref_mol, removeHs=False,)
mol_ref.GetNumAtoms() == t.n_atoms
import py_rdl
# Get Bond Set
bonds = []
for bond in mol_ref.GetBonds():

cremerpople_store = []

data = py_rdl.Calculator.get_calculated_result(bonds)

ring_length = []
for urf in data.urfs:
    rcs = data.get_relevant_cycles_for_urf(urf)
    for rc in rcs:
        ring_length.append(len(src.Ring_Analysis.Rearrangement(mol_ref, list(rc.nodes))))
max_ring = ring_length.index(max(ring_length))

#for urf in data.urfs:
urf = data.urfs[max_ring]
rcs = data.get_relevant_cycles_for_urf(urf)
for rc in rcs:
    ringloop = src.Ring_Analysis.Rearrangement(mol_ref, list(rc.nodes)) # rearrange the ring atom order
    # src.Ring_Analysis.CTPOrder(mol_ref, list(rc.nodes), n_res=t.n_residues) ## this does not work...
    coord = t.xyz[:,ringloop]
    for i in range(t.n_frames):
        ccoord = src.Ring_Analysis.Translate(coord[i])
        qs, angle = src.Ring_Analysis.GetRingPuckerCoords(ccoord) # get cremer-pople parameters
        qs.extend([abs(x) for x in angle])
        cremerpople_store.append(qs) # flatten tuple/list to just 1d list...
        #coord = np.array([mol0.GetConformer(1).GetAtomPosition(atom) for atom in ringloop]) # get current ring atom coordinates
        #ccoord = RA.Translate(coord) # translate ring with origin as cetner
        #cremerpople = RA.GetRingPuckerCoords(ccoord) # get cremer-pople parameters
cremerpople_store = np.array(cremerpople_store)
(array([   297.,    585.,   2136.,  16733., 283961., 145238.,  35883.,
         10541.,   3230.,   1396.]),
 array([7.34978939e-04, 3.14807077e-01, 6.28879176e-01, 9.42951275e-01,
        1.25702337e+00, 1.57109547e+00, 1.88516757e+00, 2.19923967e+00,
        2.51331177e+00, 2.82738387e+00, 3.14145596e+00]),
 <BarContainer object of 10 artists>)
# if beta_run:
#     cremerpople_store = cremerpople_store[1000000:]
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
pca = PCA(n_components=2)
pca_input = cremerpople_store.reshape(t.n_frames, len(qs))

#normalize(cremerpople_store.reshape(t.n_frames, len(qs)))

cp_reduced_output = pca.fit_transform(pca_input)

if snakemake.params.method == "cMD":
    cp_weights = reweight(cp_reduced_output, None, 'noweight')
    weight_data = np.loadtxt(snakemake.input.weights)
    weight_data = weight_data[::stride]
    cp_weights = reweight(cp_reduced_output, snakemake.input.weights, 'amdweight_MC', weight_data)

ax = src.pca.plot_PCA(cp_reduced_output, 'CP', compound_index, cp_weights, explained_variance=pca.explained_variance_ratio_[:2])
if multiple:
    src.pca.plot_PCA_citra(cp_reduced_output[cis], cp_reduced_output[trans], 'dihedral', compound_index, label=None, fig=None, ax=None)
array([0.4467909 , 0.31815399])
beta_run = False Comparison#

beta_run = True

2.9.5. DBSCAN-Clustering#

The following section provides details about the performed DBSCAN clustering. Detailed plots about parameter derivation for the clustering are hidden, but can be revealed.

There are 34 clusters
Cluster 0 makes up more than 5% of points. (5.82 % of total points)
Cluster 1 makes up more than 5% of points. (2.54 % of total points)
Cluster 2 makes up more than 5% of points. (5.74 % of total points)
Cluster 3 makes up more than 5% of points. (7.9 % of total points)
Cluster 4 makes up more than 5% of points. (1.0 % of total points)
Cluster 5 makes up more than 5% of points. (3.46 % of total points)
Cluster 6 makes up more than 5% of points. (8.32 % of total points)
Cluster 7 makes up more than 5% of points. (2.42 % of total points)
Cluster 8 makes up more than 5% of points. (2.92 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 9 is less than 5% of points. (0.38 % of total points)
Cluster 10 makes up more than 5% of points. (9.98 % of total points)
Cluster 11 makes up more than 5% of points. (4.06 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 12 is less than 5% of points. (0.4 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 13 is less than 5% of points. (0.44 % of total points)
Cluster 14 makes up more than 5% of points. (1.32 % of total points)
Cluster 15 makes up more than 5% of points. (1.16 % of total points)
Cluster 16 makes up more than 5% of points. (6.859999999999999 % of total points)
Cluster 17 makes up more than 5% of points. (14.24 % of total points)
Cluster 18 makes up more than 5% of points. (1.26 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 19 is less than 5% of points. (0.32 % of total points)
Cluster 20 makes up more than 5% of points. (4.96 % of total points)
Cluster 21 makes up more than 5% of points. (1.38 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 22 is less than 5% of points. (0.33999999999999997 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 23 is less than 5% of points. (0.74 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 24 is less than 5% of points. (0.45999999999999996 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 25 is less than 5% of points. (0.33999999999999997 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 26 is less than 5% of points. (0.26 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 27 is less than 5% of points. (0.76 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 28 is less than 5% of points. (0.24 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 29 is less than 5% of points. (0.8999999999999999 % of total points)
Cluster 30 makes up more than 5% of points. (1.04 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 31 is less than 5% of points. (0.38 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 32 is less than 5% of points. (0.9400000000000001 % of total points)
Exlude Cluster 33 is less than 5% of points. (0.45999999999999996 % of total points)
Noise makes up 6.260000000000001 % of total points.
/biggin/b147/univ4859/research/snakemake_conda/9a8fac97661a24a566a4d6ee98b8d3e7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:37: UserWarning: Tight layout not applied. The bottom and top margins cannot be made large enough to accommodate all axes decorations.
/biggin/b147/univ4859/research/snakemake_conda/9a8fac97661a24a566a4d6ee98b8d3e7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:8: UserWarning: Creating legend with loc="best" can be slow with large amounts of data.
/biggin/b147/univ4859/research/snakemake_conda/9a8fac97661a24a566a4d6ee98b8d3e7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/core/pylabtools.py:151: UserWarning: Creating legend with loc="best" can be slow with large amounts of data.
  fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)
cluster_traj = t[cluster_index]
cluster_traj.superpose(cluster_traj, 0, atom_indices = cluster_traj.top.select('backbone'))
view = nv.show_mdtraj(cluster_traj)
# save rst files from clusters
for idx in cluster_index:
    cluster_full_t = md.load_frame(snakemake.input.traj, idx, top=snakemake.input.top)
    cluster_full_t.save_netcdfrst(f"{snakemake.params.rst_dir}rst_{idx}.rst") #snakemake.output.rst)
# compute dihedral angles
*_, omega = src.dihedrals.getDihedrals(cluster_traj)
omega_deg = np.abs(np.degrees(omega))
plt.title(f"Omega angles of different clusters. Compound {compound_index}")
Colors appended..
# cluster NOE statistics....

2.9.6. NOEs#

In the following section, we compute the NOE values for the simulation. NOE without reweighting.#

The following NOE plot is computed via r^-6 averaging. No reweighting is performed. (so unless the simulation is a conventional MD simulation, the following plot is not a valid comparison to experiment.)

../_images/374722583485687f_GaMD_processed_113_0.png Reweighted NOEs#

The following NOE plot was reweighted via a 1d PMF method.

Atom 1 Atom 2 NMR exp lower bound upper bound md lower upper
0 (32,) (44,) 2.50 2.30 2.61 2.223813 2.013577 3.192459
1 (1,) (3,) 2.55 2.43 2.87 2.684123 2.25391 2.964648
2 (25,) (27, 28) 2.35 2.26 2.44 2.543437 2.308136 2.90923
2 (25,) (27, 28) 2.35 2.26 2.44 1.982733 1.936192 2.756192
3 (25,) (27, 28) 3.10 2.88 3.32 2.543437 2.308136 2.90923
3 (25,) (27, 28) 3.10 2.88 3.32 1.982733 1.936192 2.756192
4 (32,) (34,) 2.89 2.71 3.07 2.201294 2.105565 2.881432
5 (44,) (46,) 2.67 2.53 2.81 1.892169 1.839757 2.893605
6 (64,) (66,) 2.40 2.30 2.50 1.858849 1.828337 2.811764
7 (1,) (66,) 2.90 2.30 2.95 2.6982 2.152701 3.545015
8 (25,) (3,) 2.34 2.25 2.43 1.707773 1.673022 3.015438
9 (32,) (27, 28) 4.00 3.53 4.47 1.886019 1.833296 3.359337
9 (32,) (27, 28) 4.00 3.53 4.47 1.743923 1.700287 2.451658
10 (32,) (27, 28) 2.27 2.18 2.36 1.886019 1.833296 3.359337
10 (32,) (27, 28) 2.27 2.18 2.36 1.743923 1.700287 2.451658
11 (44,) (34,) 2.85 2.68 3.02 3.177936 2.309314 3.557197
12 (64,) (46,) 2.40 2.30 2.50 2.782222 2.188323 3.555814
13 (44,) (27, 28) 4.17 3.64 4.70 6.971748 5.122754 7.111633
13 (44,) (27, 28) 4.17 3.64 4.70 3.976058 3.565023 5.108969
14 (44,) (48, 49) 2.75 2.60 2.90 2.862614 2.508124 3.444878
14 (44,) (48, 49) 2.75 2.60 2.90 2.815026 2.462447 3.513522
15 (44,) (36, 37) 3.20 2.96 3.44 1.760956 1.691228 3.70857
15 (44,) (36, 37) 3.20 2.96 3.44 4.856667 3.214991 4.930321
16 (44,) (36, 37) 3.20 2.96 3.44 1.760956 1.691228 3.70857
16 (44,) (36, 37) 3.20 2.96 3.44 4.856667 3.214991 4.930321
17 (32,) (36, 37) 2.92 2.74 3.10 2.616129 2.321569 3.402815
17 (32,) (36, 37) 2.92 2.74 3.10 2.087653 1.998107 3.053774
18 (32,) (36, 37) 2.71 2.56 2.86 2.616129 2.321569 3.402815
18 (32,) (36, 37) 2.71 2.56 2.86 2.087653 1.998107 3.053774
19 (64,) (48, 49) 2.70 2.56 2.84 1.586751 1.550094 3.812239
19 (64,) (48, 49) 2.70 2.56 2.84 1.956244 1.840696 3.469857
20 (1,) (68,) 2.35 2.26 2.44 2.797285 2.351473 3.940611
21 (1,) (5, 6) 3.22 2.98 3.46 1.779399 1.737968 3.059249
21 (1,) (5, 6) 3.22 2.98 3.46 3.135034 2.673663 3.766305
22 (1,) (5, 6) 3.22 2.98 3.46 1.779399 1.737968 3.059249
22 (1,) (5, 6) 3.22 2.98 3.46 3.135034 2.673663 3.766305
23 (66,) (68,) 3.08 2.87 3.29 2.606916 2.396975 3.005951

2.9.7. Statistics#

Following, we compute various statistical metrics to evaluate how the simulated NOEs compare to the experimental ones.

def compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_df):
    # I: exp_low/exp_high exist
    # exp_low <= md <= exp_high        -> fulfilled
    # md < exp_low OR exp_high < md  -> not fulfilled
    # II: no exp_low:
    #md <= exp_high     -> fulfilled?
    #md > exp_high      -> not fulfilled
    # III: no exp_high:
    #20% of exp value ~ exp_high
    #md < exp_low       -> not fulfilled
    # IV: no exp_low, no exp_high:
    #20% of exp value ~ exp high
    # treat non-existence of lower bound as a lower bound of 0 (ignore / always fulfilled) in previous scripts
    # so this should work for no lower bound available. 
    # if there is only bounds, e.g. no NMR exp, this should still work, since the if np.all evaluates to false,
    # and the 'NMR exp' column is not required..
    # upper bound does not exist:
    if np.all(NOE_df["upper bound"] == 0):
        # set higher bound to 20% of experimental value
        high_bound_value = 0.2
        NOE_df["upper bound"] = NOE_df["NMR exp"] + (NOE_df["NMR exp"] * 0.2)
    fulfilled = (NOE_df["md"] <= NOE_df["upper bound"]) & (NOE_df["md"] >= NOE_df["lower bound"])
    return sum(fulfilled) / len(fulfilled)
# % fulfilled
if multiple:
    if len(cis) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
        # cis
        fulfilled = compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_cis_t)
        append = {'stat': 'percentage_fulfilled', 'value': fulfilled, 'up': 0, 'low': 0}
        NOE_stat_cis = NOE_stat_cis.append(append, ignore_index=True)
    if len(trans) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
        # trans
        fulfilled = compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_trans_t)
        append = {'stat': 'percentage_fulfilled', 'value': fulfilled, 'up': 0, 'low': 0}
        NOE_stat_trans = NOE_stat_trans.append(append, ignore_index=True)
    fulfilled = compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_test)

    append = {'stat': 'percentage_fulfilled', 'value': fulfilled, 'up': 0, 'low': 0}
    NOE_stats = NOE_stats.append(append, ignore_index=True)
# is the mean deviation significantly different than 0? if pvalue < 5% -> yes! We want: no! (does not deviate from exp. values)
if multiple:
    if len(cis) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
        print(stats.ttest_1samp(NOE_cis_t['dev'], 0.0))
    if len(trans) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
        print(stats.ttest_1samp(NOE_trans_t['dev'], 0.0))
    print(stats.ttest_1samp(NOE_test['dev'], 0.0))
Ttest_1sampResult(statistic=-3.1539001111776903, pvalue=0.004441068913561296)
if multiple:
    if len(cis) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
    if len(trans) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
DescribeResult(nobs=24, minmax=(-2.113980917934902, 0.44728502406711357), mean=-0.39495594751191304, variance=0.3763679981041342, skewness=-1.058478701188106, kurtosis=1.0263018147926788)

NOE statistics:

stat value up low
0 MAE 0.524125 0.738091 0.346424
1 MSE -0.394956 -0.166937 0.000000
2 RMSD 0.718802 0.983416 0.431724
3 pearsonr 0.339355 0.770992 0.000000
4 kendalltau 0.173113 0.520252 0.000000
5 chisq 3.838673 6.626588 1.646457
6 percentage_fulfilled 0.291667 0.000000 0.000000
# # NOE_test
# NOE_path = snakemake.input.noe

# max_populated_cluster_idx = np.argmax(cluster_percentage)
# max_populated_cluster = cluster_traj[max_populated_cluster_idx]
# max_populated_cluster_original_traj_idx = cluster_index[max_populated_cluster_idx]

# NOE = src.noe.read_NOE(NOE_path)
# if multiple:
#     NOE_trans, NOE_cis = NOE
#     NOE_cis_dict = NOE_cis.to_dict(orient='index')
#     NOE_trans_dict = NOE_trans.to_dict(orient='index')
# else:
#     NOE_dict = NOE.to_dict(orient='index')
# current_cluster = cluster_traj[i]
# if multiple:
#     if max_populated_cluster_original_traj_idx in cis:
#         #print("cis")
#         NOE_dict = NOE_cis_dict
#         NOE = NOE_cis
#     else:
#         #print("trans!")
#         NOE_dict = NOE_trans_dict
#         NOE = NOE_trans
# else:
#     axs[i,2].set_title(f"Cluster {k}")
# NOE['md'],_,_2,NOE_dist, _3 = src.noe.compute_NOE_mdtraj(NOE_dict, max_populated_cluster)
# # Deal with ambigous NOEs
# NOE = NOE.explode('md')
# # and ambigous/multiple values
# NOE = NOE.explode('NMR exp')
if multiple:
    NOE_stats_keys = ['cis', 'trans']
    differentiation = {'cis':cis, 'trans':trans}
    NOE_stats_keys = ['single']
n_cluster_traj = {}
n_cluster_percentage = {}
n_cluster_index = {}
for k in NOE_stats_keys:
    if multiple:
        cluster_in_x = np.in1d(cluster_index, differentiation[k])
#         np.arange()
        cluster_in_x = np.ones((len(cluster_index)), dtype=bool)
    cluster_in_x = np.arange(0, len(cluster_index))[cluster_in_x]
    n_cluster_traj[k] = cluster_traj[cluster_in_x]
    n_cluster_percentage[k] = np.array(cluster_percentage)[cluster_in_x]
    n_cluster_index[k] = np.array(cluster_index)[cluster_in_x]
cluster_traj = n_cluster_traj
cluster_percentage = n_cluster_percentage
cluster_index = n_cluster_index
{'single': array([0.0582, 0.0254, 0.0574, 0.079 , 0.01  , 0.0346, 0.0832, 0.0242,
        0.0292, 0.0998, 0.0406, 0.0132, 0.0116, 0.0686, 0.1424, 0.0126,
        0.0496, 0.0138, 0.0104])}
# NOE_stat_combined
NOE_dict = {}
NOE = src.noe.read_NOE(NOE_path)
NOE_n = {}
if multiple:
    NOE_trans, NOE_cis = NOE
    NOE_n['cis'] = NOE_cis
    NOE_n['trans'] = NOE_trans
    NOE_dict['cis'] = NOE_cis.to_dict(orient='index')
    NOE_dict['trans'] = NOE_trans.to_dict(orient='index')
    NOE_dict['single'] = NOE.to_dict(orient='index')
    NOE_n['single'] = NOE

for k in NOE_stats_keys:
    # max. populated cluster
    # NOE = NOE_n.copy()
    max_populated_cluster_idx = np.argmax(cluster_percentage[k])
    max_populated_cluster = cluster_traj[k][max_populated_cluster_idx]
    NOE_n[k]['md'],*_ = src.noe.compute_NOE_mdtraj(NOE_dict[k], max_populated_cluster)
    # Deal with ambigous NOEs
    NOE_n[k] = NOE_n[k].explode('md')
    # and ambigous/multiple values
    NOE_n[k] = NOE_n[k].explode('NMR exp')
    # Remove duplicate values (keep value closest to experimental value)
    NOE_test = NOE_n[k]
    if (NOE_test['NMR exp'].to_numpy() == 0).all():
        # if all exp values are 0: take middle between upper / lower bound as reference value
        NOE_test['NMR exp'] = (NOE_test['upper bound'] + NOE_test['lower bound']) * 0.5
    NOE_test['dev'] = NOE_test['md'] - np.abs(NOE_test['NMR exp'])
    NOE_test['abs_dev'] = np.abs(NOE_test['md'] - np.abs(NOE_test['NMR exp']))

    NOE_test = NOE_test.sort_values('abs_dev',ascending=True)
    NOE_test.index = NOE_test.index.astype(int)
    NOE_test = NOE_test[~NOE_test.index.duplicated(keep='first')].sort_index(kind='mergesort')

    # drop NaN values:
    NOE_test = NOE_test.dropna()
    # Compute metrics now
    # Compute NOE statistics, since no bootstrap necessary, do a single iteration.. TODO: could clean this up further to pass 0, then just return the value...
    RMSD,*_ = src.stats.compute_RMSD(NOE_test['NMR exp'], NOE_test['md'], n_bootstrap=1)
    MAE, *_ = src.stats.compute_MAE(NOE_test['NMR exp'], NOE_test['md'], n_bootstrap=1)
    MSE,  *_ = src.stats.compute_MSE(NOE_test['dev'], n_bootstrap=1)
    fulfil = src.stats.compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_test)
    #insert values
    values = [MAE,MSE,RMSD,None,None,None,fulfil]
    n_NOE_stat[k].insert(4, "most-populated-1", values)
#     MAE
#     MSE
#     RMSD
#     pearsonr
#     kendalltau
#     chisq 
#     percentage_fulfilled
for k in NOE_stats_keys:
    # convert df to dict for export
    n_NOE_stat[k] = n_NOE_stat[k].to_dict()
# Save
src.utils.json_dump(snakemake.output.noe_stats, n_NOE_stat)
stat value up low most-populated-1
0 MAE 0.524125 0.738091 0.346424 0.345824
1 MSE -0.394956 -0.166937 0.000000 0.127284
2 RMSD 0.718802 0.983416 0.431724 0.483685
3 pearsonr 0.339355 0.770992 0.000000 NaN
4 kendalltau 0.173113 0.520252 0.000000 NaN
5 chisq 3.838673 6.626588 1.646457 NaN
6 percentage_fulfilled 0.291667 0.000000 0.000000 0.375000
# # Cluster NOE metrics
# if multiple:
#     if len(cis) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
#         # cis
#         fulfilled = compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_cis_t)
#         append = {'stat': 'percentage_fulfilled', 'value': fulfilled, 'up': 0, 'low': 0}
#         NOE_stat_cis = NOE_stat_cis.append(append, ignore_index=True)
#     if len(trans) > CIS_TRANS_CUTOFF:
#         # trans
#         fulfilled = compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_trans_t)
#         append = {'stat': 'percentage_fulfilled', 'value': fulfilled, 'up': 0, 'low': 0}
#         NOE_stat_trans = NOE_stat_trans.append(append, ignore_index=True)
# else:
#     fulfilled = compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE_test)

#     append = {'stat': 'percentage_fulfilled', 'value': fulfilled, 'up': 0, 'low': 0}
#     NOE_stats = NOE_stats.append(append, ignore_index=True)
# NOE_stats = {}

# if multiple:
#     NOE_stats_keys = ['cis', 'trans']
# else:
#     NOE_stats_keys = ['single']
# for k in NOE_stats_keys:
# #     NOE_stats[k] = pd.DataFrame(columns=['stat', 'value', 'up', 'low'])
#     NOE_stats[k] = NOE_stats[k].insert(3, "most-populated-1", values)
# for k in NOE_stats_keys:
# #     MAE = 
# #     MSE = 
# #     RMSD = 
# #     pearsonr = 
# #     kendalltau = 
# #     chisq = 
# #     percentage_fulfilled = 

#     NOE_stats[k].append()
# compute_fulfilled_percentage(NOE)
# compute_RMSD(NOE['NMR exp'], NOE['md'])[0]